Species,"Lycoris longituba" "Sample Location","collected from the resource nursery at the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences in China (31.23°N, 121.10°E) " "Sample Part","leaves, roots, bulbs" "Sequencing platform","Illumina HiSeq X Ten" "Sequencing data","Roots: 133 million raw reads, 131 million clean reads. Leaves: 134 million raw reads, 132 million clean reads. Bulbs: 139 million raw reads, 137 million clean reads." "Assembly software",Trinity "Assembly result","Roots: 360,593 transcripts, 223,969 unigenes. Leaves: 320,299 transcripts, 185,467 unigenes. Bulbs: 326,962 transcripts, 191,716 unigenes. 474,589 all-transcripts and 333,440 all-unigenes were ultimately generated, with mean lengths of 647 and 521 bp, and N50 of 981 and 644 bp, respectively." "Annotation Method","KEGG, NR, NT, GO"