

a wild relative of tobacco, has become increasingly popular as a heterologous expression platform for reconstituting plant natural product pathways, because (a) it is amenable to Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression, (b) a scalable and highly flexible process that enables rapid expression of genes and enzymes from other plant species.




Reed J, Osbourn A. Engineering terpenoid production through transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana [J]. Plant cell reports, 2018, 37(10): 1431-1441.


Tomato offers a useful chassis for metabolic engineering, with significant advantages over other chassis: (a) it is high yielding, easy to grow and manage with existing tomato cultivation infrastructure; (b) fruit contain most of the necessary substrates; (c) fruit contain the whole or most of the biosynthetic pathways for making high-value metabolites and activity can be further enhanced by engineering the activity of transcription factors; (d) genome sequence is available with many additional tools and resources that facilitate metabolic engineering; (e) fruit-specific production of secondary metabolites usually does not incur a yield penalty nor affect the growth of the plant.




Li Y, Wang H, Zhang Y, et al. Can the world’s favorite fruit, tomato, provide an effective biosynthetic chassis for high-value metabolites? [J]. Plant cell reports, 2018, 37(10): 1443-1450.